Reach new audiences, communities, and clients!

Share your good work with the whole TLA community. Stand out at our conference and for a year on our website.

Sponsor or Underwrite the 2024 Power of Words Conference

All sponsors & underwriters will receive:

  • Display table space at the conference.
  • Inclusion in the beautifully-produced 8.5" x 11" conference booklet which will include the conference schedule, descriptions of sessions and presenters, upcoming offerings, and both ads for our sponsors and underwriters and a directory of all our sponsors and underwriters.
  • Inclusion of any brochures, flyers, or handouts to conference attendees in their registration bags.
  • A display of your name, logo, and description on our website for 12 months.
  • Underwriters receive additional benefits (see below).

To sponsor or underwrite:

In the catalog (below or to the right), click on the Sponsorship or Underwriter level you want to add it to your cart. Deadline for being in the booklet: Aug. 31, 2024.

Once we receive your order, we'll email you with all the information you need to get us your logo art, items for the conference swag bag, and, if applicable, registration codes for the included conference and pre-conference registrations.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. 



$150 level receives ⅛ page ad and ¼ table display space

$250 level receives ¼ page ad and ½ table display space

$500 level receives ½ page ad and 1 table display space


$1,000 level receives one full page ad + 1 display table + small logo on bag + announcement during conference + logo & name on a banner at the conference + 1 conference & pre-conference registration

$2,500 level receives one full page ad + 1 display table + name and logo on bag + announcement during conference + logo & name on a banner at the conference + 3 conference & pre-conference registrations

$5,000 level receives one full page ad + 1 display table + name and logo on bag + announcement during conference + logo & name on a banner at the conference + 5 conference & pre-conference registrations

The TLA Network exists to support and promote individuals and organizations that use the spoken, written, or sung word as a tool for personal and community transformation.

Access our policies: Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use

The Transformative Language Arts Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

1741 Valley Forge Road, #175, Worcester, PA 19490 |

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