TLA Classes

We offer online classes to help you deepen your understanding of Transformative Language Arts, explore the craft of various genres and arts related to TLA, and develop your livelihood, community work, and service related to TLA.

Designed and taught by leading teachers, transformative language artists and activists, and master facilitators (want to be one of them?), these classes offer you ample opportunities to grow your art of words, your business and service, and your conversation with your life work.

The online nature of the classes allows you to participate from anywhere in the world (provided you have internet access) at any time of the day while, and at the same time, the intimate and welcoming atmosphere of the classes helps students find community, inspiration, and greater purpose.

While each class is unique to the teacher's style, all classes include hands-on activities (writing, storytelling, theater, spoken word, visual arts, music and/or other prompts), plus great resources, readings, and guidance. We use the online educational platform, Wet Ink for our classes, and many combine in-person meetings on Zoom and asynchronous gatherings via Wet Ink:

  • Our Community Online Classes have a set period of time, ranging from one day to eight weeks with a small cohort of typically 5 to 25 people. Every Wednesday a new weekly module opens for you to engage with on your own time, with forums and opportunities to share, interact, and receive feedback from peers and the teacher. If the teacher wants to schedule a live meeting, they will coordinate directly with enrolled participants. Classes remain open and available to enrolled participants for at least a week after the class end date.

Enrollment Cost

Classes are priced by the number of weeks they run, and members can register at the discounted member tuition rates. (For example, members pay $255 for a 6-week course, while non-members pay $295.)

Each registration is for one participant only, and all classes, unless arrangements are approved beforehand by the teacher and the TLA Network coordinator, are for people age 18 and up.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellations: A nonrefundable fee of 10% is included in each registration. There are no cancellations after the class begins. For the purposes of cancellation, the class beginning date is defined as the start date published by TLAN on the class registration page.

Low Enrollment Cancellations: Classes that do not meet a minimum enrollment may be canceled a minimum of 3 days prior to the first class meeting with full refunds for all registrants.

Incomplete: Students seeking the certificate in TLA Foundations who cannot complete a class due to circumstances out of their control may be granted a discounted registration on the next available offering of that class. To be eligible for the discount students must communicate their circumstance to the teacher as soon as possible.

Community Online Classes

    • 12 February 2025
    • 04 March 2025
    • Online

    I’ll bet your work and art is quietly (or not so quietly) life-changing. 

    I’ll also bet not enough people know about it—or you—right? 

    Sustainable Marketing Strategy for Writers, Changemakers, and other Magical TLArtists will help you (re)define marketing and promotion (as well as terms and concepts like business growth, strategy, and community building) as practices that can be both sustainable and successful while also being aligned with your values, creative and business goals, and available expendable energy. (In other words, how many spoons can you devote to this?)

    At the end of our three weeks together, you will: 

    —Know what you want your marketing to do for you/your business

    —Have the foundation of a sustainable marketing strategy grounded in

    • language and methods of communication meaningful to both you and your community
    • knowing the best pace for your available time and energy
    • researching the best places/platforms for the ways you most effectively and genuinely communicate

    —Be part of a network of other creatives working to build sustainable marketing practices

    —Be supported by a collection of resources and tools

    In short—this is a professional development course designed to make strategies for growing your community and business sane and sustainable. 

    Week By Week 

    Week 1: Evicting your inner late-night infomercial huckster, (or how your assumptions about marketing are probably not helping you grow your business) 

    This week we will:

    • look at the ways ubiquitous, relentless, mainstream marketing consciously and unconsciously shapes what we think marketing is, the language we use to define it and ourselves, and what it must look or sound like. 
    • redefine and/or reclaim “marketing” and “promotion” as actions you take to help your community understand what you do and how it helps them so they can make a conscious, informed choice to work with you, (buy from you, join your thing).

    Week 2: You & your community—intersecting ecosystems. Creating a sustainable marketing strategy starts with knowing yourself and your community.

    Our activities this week will:

    • delve into who you are as a TLArtist; your values, your native communication style, the personality and neurologic traits that underpin how you think, create, and take action. 
    • explore who are the people in your community, how can you connect with them, what are the ways they will be looking for help?
    • clarify/define the kind of conversation and/or reciprocal relationship you and your community want to be having.

    Week 3: Market like a tree. Be rooted. Offer oxygen—Your sustainable marketing strategies. This week we will plant the seeds of a marketing strategy:

    • aligned with how you communicate, your goals, your working rhythm and expendable energy.
    • that feels genuine and inviting to your community.
    • that is both a short and a long-term strategy—meaning actions you can take right away and actions you can build up to over time.

    Who Should Take This Class

    You should join us if you're a TLArtist* interested in building your community and/or your practice without burning out, becoming overwhelmed, or feeling inauthentic, pushy, or like you’re imposing on anyone. This applies to both solo practitioners and people who are responsible for community building for an organization.

    NOTE: While this approach to marketing is especially helpful for introverts, ambiverts, Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and/or people with ADHD, anyone who feels alienated by traditional marketing methods will definitely find inspiration here. 

    *Who are TLArts practitioners? Teachers, counselors, writers, storytellers, performers, songwriters, poets, community leaders and activists, and other artists using language for individual or community transformation.

    We offer scholarships based on income as well as some partial scholarships for people living with serious illness and/or disability or people of color through the Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg Fund. Please fill out this scholarship application form so that we can find the best way to make the class accessible to you.


    Course materials will be delivered through a hybrid of weekly Zoom sessions and written resources sent via email.

    The majority of the work will happen in the weekly two-hour Zoom meetings, held on three consecutive Saturdays from 11 AM-1 PM ET (10 AM -12 PM CT | 9-11 AM MT | 8-10 AM PT | 4-6 PM UTC): Feb.15, Feb. 22 and March 1, 2025. Sessions will be recorded and made available to students only. 

    This class utilizes personal reflection, group discussion, and writing exercises to explore and redefine marketing so it becomes a useful and sustainable business strategy for creatives like TLArtists. You should plan to spend about three hours per week on the class engaging in the Zoom meetings and outside writing exercises and research. 

    About the Facilitator

    Tracie Nichols is a poet, facilitator, and the current Managing Director of The Transformative Language Arts Network. Over the past 20 years, inspired by her graduate work in Transformative Learning and Change, she has designed and facilitated hundreds of virtual and in-person learning experiences for people seeking personal transformation and growth. Tracie spent ten intense, wonderfully complex, and successful years as a business and life coach, finally closing her coaching practice two years ago and turning her creative energies to writing (mostly) poetry. Her poetry has appeared in Rogue Agent Text Power Telling and kerning. You can connect with her on her website or her Substack Breathing Space.

    • 15 February 2025
    • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • online
    • 23

    Join a warm and lively writing circle (over Zoom) to write into the love that helps you access your courage and vision in challenging times.

     This workshop is being offered as a fundraiser—all proceeds will be donated to TLAN.

    Writing can be a practice of opening your heart to other humans, the natural world, and your own good soul. Such a return to the source of our own heart and our collective pool of lovingkindness can light up our path, especially in dark times. Join a warm and lively writing circle (over Zoom) to write into and about love as a source of courage and resilience.

    Just the act of making something out of words is a way of loving the time and place where you are. Writing together is a loving practice that can help us open up and come to know your own hearts more.

    In this loving workshop, we’ll gather together to find greater inspiration, guidance, and tenderness through reading and considering how poetry can speak to myriad forms of love. Drawing from the poetry of such writers as Joy Harjo, Derek Wolcott, e.e cummings, Muriel Rukeyser, Willa Cather, Rita Dove, Walt Whitman, Robert Bly, Jane Kenyon, Harold Littlebird, David Whyte, Rumi, we’ll find new inspiration, plus an overflowing bouquet of writing prompts we can explore after our time together.

    After each class I recognize the peaceful place the class creates in me. My response to listening to others and hearing your responses to our work fills me with contentment, joy, and satisfaction. —Patricia Durkin

    Participants will leave with a greater sense of how the poetic power of language can help us access more our good selves as well as how writing together and on our own can be an essential practice of loving-kindness and creativity.

    Who Should Attend?

    This workshop is a valentine to anyone who writes, wants to start writing, or is ready to return to writing. All the prompts are aimed to meet you where you are with lots of options for engaging in ways to help you better see and celebrate your own definitions of what love can be in your life, family or community, and our world.

    I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing and working with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg for the past decade, and have rarely encountered a more insightful, compassionate, or integrous teacher and coach. —Mark Matousek, award-winning teacher, author, and mentor


    This class will be presented Saturday, February 15, 2024 from 3-5 PM ET/ 2-4 PM CT/ 1-3 PM MT/ 12-2 PM PT / 8-10 PM UTC as a one-time, two-hour Zoom session. The day after class a recording, as well as notes and resources from the class, will be emailed to class members only.

    Your Registration Fee is a Donation

    Because this event is so generously being offered by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg as a fundraiser, your entire registration fee will go directly to support scholarships, program development, and other offerings meant to expand and enrich our community. You will be helping programs like:

    • Power of Words Scholarship Fund
    • Online Class Scholarship Fund
    • The Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg Fund (conference and online class support for both BIPOC people and people who are living with serious illness and/or disabilities.)
    • Our free and open to all Community Circles and Virtual Salons

    Registration Levels:

    • Level I – $200.00
    • Level II – $150.00
    • Level III – $75.00
    • Level IV – $50.00
    We thank you. 

    About the Facilitator

    Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Ph.D., the 2009-13 Kansas Poet Laureate, is the founder of Transformative Language Arts and the author of two dozen books. Her publications include How Time Moves: New & Selected Poems; Miriam's Well, a novel; Needle in the Bone, a non-fiction book on the Holocaust; The Sky Begins At Your Feet, a bioregional memoir.

    A writing and right livelihood coach, working with people to bring what wants to be written and lived into being, Mirriam-Goldberg offers community writing workshops widely, and with Kelley Hunt, Brave Voice retreats. She also co-leads the Your Right Livelihood class and retreat with Kathryn Lorenzen, and the Art of Facilitation training with Joy Roulier Sawyer, with whom she also offers the annual Writing from the Soul retreat.

    Born hard-wired to make something (in art, music, and especially writing), Caryn’s long-time callings include writing as a spiritual and ecological path, yoga, drawing, cultivating a loving marriage, family, and community, and helping herself and others make and take leaps into the miraculous work of their lives.

    You can connect with Caryn at:

    • 23 February 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
    • online

    TLA Network Virtual Salon

    Sunday, February 23, 2025

    Join Us!

    5:00–6:30 pm ET (UTC-5)

    4:00–5:30 pm CT // 3:00–4:30 pm MT // 2:00–3:30 pm PT // 10:00-11:30 pm UTC

    Click here to find your timezone.

    Our Virtual Salons feature TLAN members who all use the written, spoken, or sung word for personal and community transformation. TLAN members have incredibly generous spirits, and we are excited to provide a venue to feature their artistic work.

    The Transformative Language Arts Network (TLAN) virtual salons feature presenters who are active members of TLAN. Each presenter will have 5-7 minutes to present their written, spoken, or sung work followed by a brief period of audience response. 

    Registration is FREE and open to anyone, not just members of TLAN and will take place online via Zoom. 

    After the reading, there will be an artist talkback and time for questions and engagement from the audience. 

    You must register if you would like to attend: a Zoom link will be sent to all registrants the day before the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

    The salons are free to attend and donations to TLAN are very welcome to allow us to continue to sponsor events like this.

    Our February Presenters!

    Alec Esparza: I am an altarista and storyteller. I work in collaboration with families, schools, community partners and Department of Corrections throughout California. I utilize the folk arts of storytelling, altar making (ofrendas), creative writing, experiential critical thinking activities and adventure learning. My approach embraces creating sacred space for community building, social transformation, and healing. Participants engage in a process of becoming more responsive and responsible members of the community. Our goal is to deepen and broaden personal life skills to face life’s challenges in the world we touch and to walk in beauty with greater strength, understanding and wisdom. Keep up with Alec’s work at

    Jane Hseu: Jane Hseu is a Professor of English at Dominican University, board member of the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame, and core organizer for Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective. She has published personal essays and poetry and is currently at work on a memoir about a family history of mental illness. At Dominican, she teaches racial minority US literatures and writing creative nonfiction. She regularly presents and facilitates at venues such as the APIDA Arts Festival, Ada Cheng's Pour One Out storytelling series, American Writers Festival, and Casa de las Americas (Cuba) in order to build community and encourage storytelling for social change. Learn more about Jane at

    Michele Hampton: Michele’s career has focused on supporting people find wellness and health in their daily lives. As an avid camper and traveller, Michele embraces new cultures and the self care that nature brings. Falling into deep grief with the untimely death of her Mom, Michele had to stop and look at her life. This grief journey helped to redefine what’s important in life and embrace small moments. Michele lives in Calgary, Canada with her husband, kids and herd of pets. Learn more about Michele’s work at:

    Mike Alvarez: M. F. Alvarez is Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of New Hampshire. He is the author of The Paradox of Suicide and Creativity (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020) and Unraveling: An Autoethnography of Suicide and Renewal (Routledge, 2023), for which he won the 2024 Qualitative Book Award from the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. He is also the recipient of an Early Career Award from the International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry. Keep up with Mike’s work at:

    Polly Alice: Polly Alice McCann is a Kansas City artist, book designer, and poet with her MFA in Writing from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. She is the author of five poetry collections, she's the editor of four international poetry anthologies and over twenty-five other titles including a short fiction anthology that won top 100 Books of 2021 by Kirkus Review. She says her favorite thing is to tell stories, maybe yours. Find more at

    Sharon Pajka: Sharon Pajka is a Professor of English. She holds a Ph.D. in English Education and a graduate certificate in Public History. Her writing combines a love of words and the stories of those who came before us. She is the author of Women Writers Buried in Virginia (2021) The Souls Close to Edgar Allan Poe: Graves of His Family, Friends and Foes (2023), winner of the 2024 Saturday Visiter Awards by Poe Baltimore in the "Adaptation of Poe's Life or Works" category. On the weekends, you can find her in the cemetery volunteering, giving history tours, researching and writing about cemeteries. Find more information on her website:

    • 05 March 2025
    • 29 April 2025
    • online
    • 32

    This course introduces the foundations and best practices of facilitation to TLA practitioners.

    You will learn about yourself as a facilitator and explore principles for designing and facilitating effective workshops that carefully consider ways to support different populations.

    You will emerge from the class with a Capstone Project, a detailed workshop proposal that covers the content and structure of your program; considerations for marketing, ethics, technology, and moving in the physical space depending on the populations you plan to welcome in; and how you might facilitate the work beyond the workshop space and connect to a larger community. 

    Weekly Zoom sessions and Wet Ink lessons with extensive resources will cover course content and offer opportunities to engage with and practice facilitation principles. Weekly assignments will include readings, written responses, and self-care practices.

    Week by Week

    Week 1: Roles & Rules: Introduction to Facilitation

    In this opening session, we’ll introduce ourselves, the course, and the foundational principles of facilitation. These principles are rooted in the idea that whatever the subject or situation, the goal of facilitation is to support individual and collective transformation. We’ll also cover the importance of establishing ground rules and prioritizing self-care.

    Week 2: Good Bones: Structuring Workshops for Effective Facilitation

    Effective facilitation depends on a program that has “good bones.” In this session, we’ll explore   foundational principles and techniques for planning, organizing, and reviewing facilitation sessions. We’ll focus on ways to build a solid yet flexible structure that supports your goals and meets the needs of your participants.

    Week 3: Considering Power Dynamics of Rank and Class

    As a course designer and facilitator, you bring a position of privilege and higher rank into a room from the beginning. Tied up with rank, especially in our society, is class, which isn’t just salaries earned, but what access people have to good education, meaningful employment, and safe communities. In this week we will discuss what ranks we live with on a regular basis, and the ones that we take on and off, depending on the situation. We will also discuss perceived power, and what you may or may not want to do to take on or cede power in the groups you facilitate.

    Week 4: Facilitating across Identity: 

    In this session, we will look at different ways to facilitate groups of mixed identity, including affiliations with race, gender, sexuality, generations and parenthood. We will learn how we are socialized to think about different identities; if/how we have had experience with conversations across identities; and what considerations we can adopt when creating a space that will be welcoming across identity. 

    Week 5: Facilitating across Disabled, Neurodiverse and Aging Bodies:

    In this session, we will discuss how to prepare for and facilitate across disability, neurodiversity, serious illness, and aging bodies. We are operating from a social model of disability, which says “individual limitations are not the cause of disability. Rather, it is society’s failure to provide appropriate services and adequately ensure that the needs of disabled people are taken into account in societal organization.” We want to discuss how we can create spaces that do not “disable” our participants. How can we structure access in our workshops from the beginning, instead of having to create accommodations as issues arise?

    Week 6: Trauma-Informed Facilitation

    No matter what kind of workshop or event you facilitate, a majority of your participants will have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lives. And as transformative language artists, we often work with specific survivor populations to offer tools and opportunities for personal and communal healing. In this session, we’ll discuss trauma, its impact, and why a trauma-informed approach is so important in facilitation. You’ll learn the key principles of trauma-informed facilitation as well as practical steps to take before, during, and after facilitating. You’ll also be reminded of the importance of self-awareness and self-care as a trauma-informed facilitator.

    Week 7: Facilitating for Community Transformation:

    One of the unique tasks of a Transformative Language Artist is that we use words not only for personal transformation, but to effect change in our communities. In this session, we will discuss ways to bring your work and the work of your participants out into the community. How can you continue the conversation beyond the workshop space? Who, in your community, needs your work? What is the change that you wish to see in your community? Through reviewing examples of TLA in the world, we will consider ways you as a facilitator can contribute to community dialogue and transformation. 

    Week 8: Capstone Project Presentations:

    The final week will include the opportunity to present your Capstone Project, a document that outlines the offering you would like to present in your community, and what considerations you plan to take in your facilitation approach. As this is a living document that you will work on throughout the class, we will discuss: How has your vision evolved from the beginning of class? What challenges or barriers do you anticipate in fulfilling this work? What considerations have you most appreciated? What considerations may you have missed?

    Who Should Take This Class

    This class is required for the Certification in TLA Foundations. It is appropriate for beginning and seasoned facilitators who are new to TLA; TLA practitioners who are seasoned in their art and looking to facilitate work in their community; and TLA artists and facilitators who want to update their practices with current language and best practices around community identities.


    Weekly Zoom sessions are scheduled for Saturday March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2025 from 1-2:30 p.m. EDT (UTC -4). Click here to convert to your time zone.

    Because we are dedicated to making the course as accessible as possible, all sessions will be recorded. All class materials (lessons, assignments, and extensive resources) will be shared each week in Wet Ink. Students who cannot make a live call have the option of watching or listening to the recording and responding to the prompts/questions in the asynchronous classroom platform, Wet Ink.

    About the Facilitators

    Amanda Faye Lacson (she/hers) is a Filipina-American writer, photographer and historian. She examines how our identities are shaped, how they impact the way we move in the world, and how we write our history through her creative nonfiction and playwriting; photography documenting the artistic process; oral history-oriented podcast interviewing; and by creating and facilitating community-based workshops for the family historian. Amanda is a board member and Membership co-chair of the Transformative Language Arts Network; writer, performer and director with the Playful Substance theater company; and producer, host and editor of Goddard in the World Podcast. She is also the founder of FamilyArchive Business, a studio designed to support the family historian at any point in the archiving process, from organizing photos in boxes to creating a final product to share with the family.

    Recent projects include: writing and performing work based on her experience as a Pinay child and mother in the devised theater piece Raised Pinay: The 5th Generation; presenting a generative writing workshop on using Transformative Language Arts to create and deepen one’s family archive at the TLAN Power of Words conference; writing a satirical monologue from the perspective of Christopher Columbus reckoning with his legacy in the afterlife, for Playful Substance; and photographing classical Indian dance performance by Brooklyn Raga Massive for Chelsea Factory. Keep up with Amanda's work at

    Tracie Nichols (she/her) is a poet, facilitator, HSP, over-thinker, introvert, and woman of deepening years. When she's not doing managing director things for the Transformative Language Arts Network (TLAN), she writes poetry and creates seasonal word adventures for shy but curious people. 

    Tracie’s appreciation for the power of words to heal and transform started decades ago when she began writing poems to navigate early trauma. She knew she'd found home with the Transformative Language Arts Network community when she realized it merged the principles of her graduate degree in Transformative Learning and Change with her passion for writing as path to healing and growth.

    Today, she lives in southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, occasionally her adult children, and a very large ginger tabby cat named Strider. She writes poems from her tiny desk under the wide reach of two old Sycamore trees. Tracie is honored that her recent work has appeared in kerning, Rogue Agent, Text Power Telling, and The Weight of Motherhood anthology.

    Connect with Tracie at

    • 05 March 2025
    • 01 April 2025
    • online

    Looking for a deeply moving experience that builds connection and healing and celebrates your resilience?

    This incredibly unique and innovative workshop builds on our other storytelling programs with the addition of music, guiding participants to discover a story within themselves and turn it into a song.

    Techniques combine narrative and drama therapy with a fully embodied songwriting process that requires no instruments and no prior skill, leaving participants with a deeply moving experience that builds connection and healing and celebrates their resilience.

    Week By Week

    Week 1

    • Identifying home - songs that give you a sense of comfort
    • Group ground work and community building through play
    • Finding the story for your song (prompts and verbal sharing)
    • Writing time

    Week 2

    • Music Therapy exercise 
    • Fleshing out your story
    • What is the most important thing of your story
    • Elements of a song
    • Writing time

    Week 3

    • Song structure
    • Coaching the heartbeat and melody
    • Finding your hook
    • Writing time

    Week 4

    • Time to share (you do not need to have a finished song!) 
    • Process and reflect

    Who Should Take This Class

    Anyone who has a story to sing. There is no "right" or "wrong" in this workshop. You do not need to be a songwriter or a singer or play an instrument.  You just have to have the willingness to play, try something new and be open to letting this work and this process work its way through you.  The process is the product.


    Course materials will be delivered through weekly Zoom sessions; dates and times to be announced. Sessions will be recorded and made available to students only. 

    About the Facilitator

    Elizabeth Addison is an award winning multi-hyphenate whose work exists at the intersection of recovery and the performing arts. She has written three musicals inspired by her recovery journey, one of which, “Chasing Grace,” is set to have an Off-Broadway run in 2025/26. Elizabeth is a Creative Recovery Coach, Story Coach and Trauma Informed Facilitator with The Meghann Perry Group where she facilitates Recovery Storytelling, Embodied Storytelling and Embodied Songwriting workshops.  She is also a consultant for The Opioid Response Network (ORN) and The Grayken Center at Boston Medical Center. Her website. 

    • 09 March 2025
    • 16 March 2025
    • online

    What’s something every poet and writer uses for inspiration?

    Heartbreak, the past, and pain - am I right?

    But maybe you want to build a writing practice that doesn’t rely on ultra highs and crazy lows to create. If you’re ready to mine inspiration from simple pleasures and the everyday, then this workshop is for you. 

    In this two-week generative series, we’ll get inspiration from other writers and dive into pleasureful writing prompts to help you use creativity to enhance everyday living. Writers will walk away with new poem/prose pieces, as well as writing exercises to explore the local community while gathering inspiration for new material.

    Kim is a natural teacher, sharing her own discoveries with a genuine enthusiasm that inspires action. The way she shared her openness to trying new techniques and her curiosity approaching new themes unblocked me from avoiding those things I'm "not good at." I'm a poet and I started writing a novel after a call with Kim because I saw it as entirely possible for the first time. She makes you believe in yourself while you try new experiments on paper and then, new experiences in life. -Lara

    Week By Week

    Week 1: We’ll dive into a poetry session designed to awaken your senses and spark inspiration. We’ll study selected poems, generate new material from interactive writing prompts, and walk away with exercises to keep creative juices flowing during the week. 

    Week 2: We’ll shift to prose and study how acclaimed essayists mine inspiration from the everyday. We’ll explore how to jumpstart writing from emotions and everyday scenes often forgotten about and have some time for optional sharing.

    After our class wraps, writers can participate in a free and optional 3-day challenge to craft and share new works from simple pleasures.

    Who Should Take This Class

    This class is for all levels of writers and aspiring creatives! If you’re a poet, prose writer, or songwriter who needs a break from the pain and wants to fuse more joy into your life through creativity, then join us! 

    It’s also for folks who are brand new to writing and looking to bring more pleasure into their lives and write their first pieces in the process. If you’re feeling like you want to get your spark back, this class is for you!

    One thing about working with Kim in creative spaces is that she is safe. When you are already being vulnerable in your creation it is so essential to have someone like Kim who can create a safe space for you to explore and come into your highest creative self! -Thomas


    Course materials will be delivered through two live virtual sessions with recordings and coursework available after our class. 

    Sessions will be held on Sunday March 9 and March 16 from 11am-12pm PT |12-1pm MT | 1-2pm CT ET |2-3pm ET | 7-8 PM UTC.

    About the Facilitator

    Kimberly Gomes is a writer, musician, adventuress, and creativity coach. She’s the author of poetry collection, Love Notes the Body (Dancing Girl Press, 2019), travel novel, A Road of Her Own (Red Light Lit Press, 2025), spoken word-musical album, First Bloom, and is currently writing a collection of personal essays. Her novel was a semi-finalist for the 2022 Black Lawrence Press Prose Book Award. Her work was named a top personal essay of 2021 by Entropy Magazine and featured in a variety of journals, as well as the San Francisco Chronicle and Sunset Magazine. A natural hype woman for budding creatives, she’s excited to be teaching virtual and in-person creative writing workshops this spring with Transformative Language Arts Network and the Santa Cruz Public Library. Learn more about her offerings and writing at and @writeon_kim.

    • 19 March 2025
    • 29 April 2025
    • Online
    • 20

    This generative class invites you to explore new ways to “tell the truth, but tell it slant” by exploring the powerful, playful world of autofiction.

    We’ll examine examples of autofiction and analyses of autofictional texts to develop a working definition of the genre and its techniques, then put those techniques into practice, deliberately blending autobiographical fact with fiction to tell it true.

    Through weekly readings and discussion, we’ll consider the conventions of autobiography and fiction and what happens when we crisscross the liminal space between the two. Weekly writing prompts will give you the opportunity to experiment with ways to consciously reconstruct, revise, and reimagine life events and to give and receive kind, constructive feedback in a supportive, compassionate community. We’ll also have three optional Zoom classes where you can ask questions, dive deeper into texts, and share your ideas and explorations with each other.

    We all have stories to tell. By blurring the boundary between genres, autofiction invites you to tell your story without the constraints of memoir or autobiography and see what new stories can emerge by casting yourself as a character and (re)writing your past.

    Week by Week

    WEEK 1:  What Is Autofiction? — Beginning with a series of excerpts from autofictions, we’ll define autofiction and its conventions. How is it like and unlike fiction, memoir, and other (sub)genres? We’ll discuss the challenges of defining autofiction and its controversies and consider reasons to choose autofiction as a storytelling vehicle. Prompts will invite students to explore their expectations as readers of different genres and their reactions to texts that break those expectations and consider how fiction can sometimes “be a better vehicle for truth than nonfiction” (Dorothy Allison).

    WEEK 2:  Author (vs.) Avatar — Students will be invited to experiment with the foundational feature of autofiction: author as avatar. We’ll discuss the impact of social media, gaming, and the pandemic on our ability and willingness to turn ourselves into characters by modifying, enhancing, or downright fabricating our identity. Prompts will invite plenty of play as students develop a series of performative “selves.”

    WEEK 3:  Remembering and Reimagining —Taking the opening line of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five as our motto—“All of this happened, more or less”—we will dive into the neuroscience of memory and then reconstruct memories, allowing ourselves to play in the realm of the imaginary. From Natalie Goldberg’s “detail transplants” to radical re-visions of events, students will be invited to see how fiction opens up new possibilities for telling it true.

    WEEK 4:  Bearing Witness — Autofiction offers a framework that allows storytellers to transform the raw into the readable and relatable. This week, we’ll look at the ways autofiction creates distance that allows us to bear witness to the deep, the difficult, the transformative. Students will be invited to use autofiction techniques to document moments of personal and/or global significance.

    WEEK 5:  Crisscrossing Borders: Following and Upending Storytelling Conventions — This week we will dig deeper into the techniques of autofiction, looking at models and experimenting with “enhancers” that challenge traditional contracts between writers and their readers. Students will be invited to apply these techniques to pieces they’ve already drafted or to new pieces and consider their effects.

    WEEK 6:  Autofiction as Collaboration and Protest — Our final session will include discussion of the many ways autofiction is both an act of collaboration and an act of resistance. Students will be invited to share and discuss their work in a final showcase/celebration of their autofiction adventures. Students will also be given resources for continuing to read, write, and perhaps publish their autofiction work.

    Who Should Take This Class

    This course is for language artists of any genre interested in exploring the genre-bending and genre-blurring realm of autofiction. It may be especially helpful for anyone wishing to write about difficult personal experiences, especially if a memoir is not a viable option, or for anyone exploring personal or family histories where information about the past is unavailable, unknown, or unclear. 

    What former Telling It Slant students have to say

    “I learned that I can be free as a writer to tell the truth as I know it . . . I didn't realize just how much it was holding me back until taking this class and allowing myself that freedom to explore.”

    “Liz allowed us to enter a space of writing with freedom. The responses and engagement from others in the class was nourishing and kind.” 

    “In this course I wrote and shared from places of trauma. I had not ever done that before, except in private. I will remember this course for doing that for me.”

    “This class introduced me not only to a new form of writing, but to new ways of thinking about truth, fiction v. non-fiction, what it means to write anything, and what forms that may take. Quite a lot in six weeks, I'd say. It has opened a door that has been closing me off from writing what I feel I need to write but have been afraid to try, fearing ‘what they'd say.’ Forever grateful!”


    This is an online class, hosted on the online teaching platform Wet Ink. The day before class begins, you will receive an email invitation from Wet Ink. There are no browser requirements, and Wet Ink is mobile-friendly. The Wet Ink platform allows you to log in and complete the coursework on your own time. Coursework for each week will be posted by 6:00 AM EDT each Wednesday beginning September 6. 

    Three optional 60-minute Zoom sessions will take place on Tuesdays. 

    • April 1, 12-1:00 p.m. Eastern time (11 a.m. CT/10 a.m. MT/9 a.m. Pacific/5 p.m. GMT) 

    • April 15, 8-9:00 p.m. Eastern time (7 p.m. CT/6 p.m. MT/5 p.m. Pacific/1 a.m. GMT)

    • April 29, 12-1:00 p.m. Eastern time (11 a.m. CT/10 a.m. MT/9 a.m. Pacific/5 p.m. GMT)

    This class utilizes personal reflection, group discussion, and both individual and collaborative writing exercises to explore the topic of autofiction. You should plan to spend about three hours per week on the class writing and sharing your responses to the readings, discussion questions, creative writing prompts, and posts by your peers. The class is formatted so that you can engage with the material any time throughout the week. At the end of the class, you will receive an email that contains an archive of all your content and interactions.

    About the Teacher

    Elizabeth Lukács Chesla is the author of You Cannot Forbid the Flower (2023), a hybrid novella based on her father’s experiences in World War II and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The daughter of Hungarian refugees and a mother of three, she earned her MA from Columbia University and spent a decade teaching writing and literature in New York City before moving back home to the Philadelphia suburbs to raise her family. There she wrote books on reading, writing, and critical thinking skills for educational publishers; served as an editor for nonprofit organizations; taught online writing and literature courses for homeschoolers; became a yoga teacher specializing in support for hypermobility and trauma; and co-founded a weekly embodied writing group for women. She leads writing and yoga workshops, develops humanities content for educational publishers, and serves as an editor for emerging authors. Her work has appeared in Quarter After Eight, The Tattooed Buddha, Another Chicago Magazine, and Flare, a flash fiction anthology. Learn more here.

    • 19 March 2025
    • 15 April 2025
    • online
    • 8

    A gentle invitation to neurodivergent people

    Seeking a creative and therapeutic outlet?
    Interested in a supportive, judgment-free space?
    Curious to express yourself through various writing techniques while connecting with others who share similar experiences?

    This writing therapy class is designed for neurodivergent individuals seeking a creative and therapeutic outlet to explore their thoughts, feelings, and unique perspectives. It offers a supportive, judgment-free space to express yourself through various writing techniques while connecting with others who share similar experiences.

    In this class, we will examine the origins and impact of masking, asking questions such as: What stories have we internalized about how we “should” act, work, or engage with the world? How can we challenge those narratives to honor our true selves? And how can we create a life that balances self-expression with the realities of navigating neurotypical spaces? 


    • Explore societal expectations, narratives and internalized beliefs.
    • Unpack the impact of masking and redefine what it means to live authentically.
    • Empower neurodivergent individuals to harness writing as a tool for self-expression and emotional processing. 
    • Foster a sense of community and mutual understanding among participants. 
    • Build confidence in personal storytelling and self-advocacy. 


    Sessions include guided prompts on self-reflection, resilience, and creativity; exploration of diverse writing styles such as journaling, poetry, and dialogues; and collaborative exercises in a safe, affirming environment. Participants can also suggest topics to tailor the sessions to their needs.

    This class welcomes anyone identifying as neurodivergent, whether they are newly exploring this aspect of themselves or have long sought to unmask. Together, we will build a community that celebrates neurodiverse identities, dismantles limiting beliefs, and fosters a creative, fulfilling life that honors both personal needs and societal realities.

    Week By Week

    Week 1: Exploring

    We’ll begin by discussing the concept of masking—what it is, why it happens, and its effects on our lives. What are the benefits masking might entail? What harm may it cause? You will be able to reflect on your personal experiences with authenticity and masking, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of yourself. Together, we’ll establish group intentions and build a supportive environment for the journey ahead.

    Week 2: Inner Perspective vs. Outside Judgment

    This session focuses on exploring the gap between how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. We will examine the influence of societal expectations and cultural myths on our self-concept, sharing insights and stories about misunderstanding and self-discovery. We will look closely at “neurodivergent” behaviors that are misjudged by society and thereby deemed impolite or odd. What is the difference between the intention of the behavior and how it is received? Through group discussion, we’ll uncover how external judgment shapes our internal narratives.

    Week 3: What I Hide

    We’ll take a closer look at the parts of ourselves that are masked or hidden and why. You will have the chance to reflect on the costs of suppressing your true self and discuss the emotional and practical aspects of unmasking. We will also look at how our close relationships might be influenced by masking parts of ourselves. How would they be different if we allowed ourselves to be truly seen? The session will provide a safe space for participants to connect over shared challenges and the relief that comes with embracing authenticity.

    Week 4: Acceptance/Self-Advocacy + Implementing What I’ve Learned

    In the final week, we’ll focus on cultivating self-acceptance and strategies for advocating for personal needs in various aspects of life. We will look at questions like: ‘In which spaces can I practice Unmasking?’ & ‘What does it mean to stand up for myself in a sustainable way?’ You will reflect on your growth during the course and share final insights in a celebratory group setting. We’ll also discuss how to carry forward the lessons learned and continue building an authentic, fulfilling life.

    Who Should Take This Class

    This writing therapy class is designed for neurodivergent individuals seeking a creative and affirming space to explore their thoughts, emotions, and unique experiences. Participants may include those with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, or other neurodivergent profiles who wish to use writing as a therapeutic outlet.

    The class is particularly beneficial for individuals who find traditional therapy settings overwhelming or less effective for their needs. Writing allows participants to process their feelings at their own pace, offering a flexible and accessible medium for self-expression.

    People who struggle with verbal communication or find it challenging to articulate their experiences in real-time can use writing to bridge that gap, enabling them to share their inner worlds more comfortably. Additionally, individuals facing stress, anxiety, or burnout from navigating neurotypical spaces will find this class a supportive environment to unwind, recharge, and connect with others who share similar journeys.

    This class is also ideal for those seeking to strengthen their self-advocacy and storytelling skills, whether for personal growth, professional pursuits, or creative expression. No prior writing experience is necessary—participants of all skill levels are welcome, as the focus is on personal exploration rather than technical perfection.

    By offering a space that values neurodivergence and creative freedom, this class supports participants in building confidence, enhancing emotional resilience, and finding empowerment through the written word.


    This is a hybrid course hosted on Wet Ink and including weekly Zoom sessions held on Saturdays 10AM-12PM EST (16:00-18:00 in Vienna).Zoom meetings won't be recorded since they will be less of a lecture and more of a facilitated writing experience and will include a lot of sharing.

    About the Facilitator

    Michèle is a passionate philosopher, poetry therapy facilitator in training, and advocate for neurodivergent communities. As a neurodivergent individual herself, she brings personal experience and empathy to her facilitation, creating an inclusive and affirming space for all participants.

    With a background in feminist writing and mental health support, Michèle has spent years using storytelling as a tool for empowerment and self-discovery. She has facilitated workshops and classes focused on writing, mindfulness, and community building in Austria, Connecticut and online, in English as well as her native language, German.

    Michèle believes in the transformative power of writing, especially for those who often feel unheard or misunderstood in traditional settings. Her approach blends guided prompts, open-ended exploration, and collaborative sharing, tailored to meet the unique needs of neurodivergent individuals.

    Above all, Michèle is dedicated to celebrating diversity, amplifying unique voices, and helping participants harness writing as a means of healing and self-expression.

    • 23 March 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
    • online

    Transformative Language Arts Network Community Circles

    The work of Transformative Language Arts

    is rooted in community.

    TLAN Community Circles provide a welcoming space to connect with fellow practitioners, share our stories, practices, ideas, and challenges, and deepen our understanding of this powerful work.

    These online gatherings foster thoughtful conversation, creative exchange, and meaningful community building around the shared belief in the transformational power of words.

    Whether you are just beginning or well along in your TLA journey, Community Circles offer a supportive space to connect, explore, and grow alongside others who share your passion.

    Who Should Participate?

    Community Circles are open to everyone—whether you’re a seasoned TLA practitioner, a curious newcomer, or someone passionate about using words for healing, change, or creativity. Writers, artists, educators, healers, activists, and anyone who values the power of language and seeks to feel supported in their TLA journey will find connection, inspiration, and belonging here.


    When: Every other month in 2025 (1/26, 3/23, 5/18, 7/20, 9/21, and 11/16) from 5–6:30 PM ET.
    Where: Virtual on Zoom (join from anywhere!)
    What to Expect: Each session features an opening and closing ritual, a brief check-in and writing practice, and a facilitated discussion around a TLA-related topic.
    Cost: The circles are free to attend and donations to TLAN are very welcome to allow us to continue to sponsor events like this.

    • 03 October 2025
    • 05 October 2025
    • Unity Village, 1900 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, Missouri

    Join the Power of Words Conference to explore the written, spoken and sung word to find how it can bring liberation, celebration and transformation within our communities. 

    Network with writers, storytellers, performers, musicians, health professionals, educators, and change-makers to connect with those who share your passion of making a difference with words.   

    Discover diversity and experience visionary voices at keynote sessions. Get inspired with workshops in five areas:  Social Transformation, Right Livelihood, Engaged Spirituality, Narrative Healing and Ecological TLA.

    Conference Costs:

    • Your registration payment of $275 Members or $315 Non-Members includes main conference events only.
    • Pre-conference events and our optional meal plan are sold separately. To purchase either of them, you will add them to your order when you register for the conference. 
      • Pre-conference costs: $65 Members; $75 Non-Members
      • Optional meal package: $150
    • Partial scholarships and work-study opportunities are available if cost is a barrier. Submit your application before you register. Applications close September 7, 2025.
    • Transportation and lodging are not included. 

    Lodging & Meals: 


    The conference is being held at the beautiful and welcoming Unity Village in Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.

    We have reserved blocks of rooms at both Unity Village Hotel and at Holiday Inn Express for $139/night.

    Holiday Inn Express is only 2 miles from Unity Village, and we encourage people with their own transportation to consider staying at this lovely hotel since we have a limited number of rooms at Unity Village.


    We are very pleased to be contracting with a new caterer who is providing excellent food, including ample gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian options as well as beverages and desserts. 

    Meals are a package deal: $150 includes Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and dinner, and Sunday lunch. You won't be able to buy individual meals, so please purchase the whole package if you need meals. Please note that there is only a small cafe with limited hours and offerings on the Unity Village campus and no dining options within walking distance.

    While our meal plan is optional, please strongly consider joining us for meals – it's a perfect way to connect with others, make new friends, and find new possibilities for your art and work

    (Breakfast is provided for free at the Unity Hotel and Holiday Inn Express for people staying at those hotels.)

    Detailed Meal, Lodging & Travel information is on our dedicated conference page.

    Meal, Lodging & Travel Info


    If you need to cancel your registration, please refer to the following schedule.

    • Aug. 14, 2025: Last day for full refund, transfer, or credit, minus $20 processing fee
    • Sept. 1, 2025: Last day for 75% refund, transfer, or credit, minus $20 processing fee
    • Sept. 11, 2025: Last day for 50% refund, transfer, or credit, minus $20 processing fee
    • No refunds available after Sept. 12, 2025

    We will not issue refunds, transfers, or credits after SEPTEMBER 12, 2025. (In the case of unexpected life circumstances—such as hospitalization or death in the family—contact us and we will try to do what we can.)

Past Classes

02 February 2025 Seeding change: Creating When Life is Hard // with Tracie Nichols
26 January 2025 Transformative Language Arts Network Community Circles
12 January 2025 New Visions for Your Life's Work in the Arts and Beyond // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Kathryn Lorenzen
08 January 2025 Mindful Writing: A pathway to inner freedom // with Marianela Medrano
11 December 2024 Monologue Showcase: Voices of Healing and Transformation
08 December 2024 TLA Network Virtual Salon
18 November 2024 Playback Theatre: Embodied Empathy and Stories of Neurodivergence // with Christopher Ellinger & True Story Theater
02 November 2024 Envisioning TLA in the World: A Community Conversation
30 October 2024 Changing the World With Words: TLA Foundations // with Amanda Lacson & Tracie Nichols
02 October 2024 The (Extra)Ordinary Moment: The Art and Craft of Micro-Memoir // with Elizabeth Lukács Chesla
26 September 2024 Celebration with Midwest Poets Laureate: An evening with the Power of Words
14 August 2024 How to Design and Facilitate On-Line Classes // with Caryn Mirriam Goldberg and Joy Roulier Sawyer
11 August 2024 TLA Network Virtual Salon
15 June 2024 A Banquet of Transformative Language Arts!
05 June 2024 Writing Hard Things: Approaching Difficult Topics with Sensitivity and Candor // with Autumn Konopka
04 May 2024 How to Write About Life's Hard Stuff // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
20 March 2024 Foundations of Facilitation // with Amanda Faye Lacson & Tracie Nichols
20 March 2024 Talk To Me Nice: Using The Word as a Healing Modality // with Zena Robinson-Wouadjou
06 March 2024 Real Talk: Writing Intergenerational Dialogue // with Lyndsey Ellis
06 March 2024 15 Poets to Open Your Heart and Writing // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
06 March 2024 Storytelling and Therapeutic Persuasion // with Lewis Mehl-Madrona and Barbara Mainguy
24 January 2024 Kissing the Muse: A Messy, Magical, Creative Adventure (part 1) \\ with Robbyn Layne
10 January 2024 Flash Fiction Forms: Exploring Elements of Craft Through Archetypes & Metaphors in Dreams, Tarot, & Fairy Tales // with Riham Adly
07 January 2024 Building Connections to Create Sustainable Work in the Arts // with Caryn-Mirriam Goldberg & Kathryn Lorenzen
03 December 2023 Monologue Showcase: Voices for Healing & Transformation
26 October 2023 Your Memoir as Monologue - with Showcase: Writing Monologues for Healing and Transformation // with Kelly DuMar
25 October 2023 Identity and Belonging: An Exploration through Visual Art and Creative Writing // with Renu Thomas
25 October 2023 Journaling the Heroine’s Journey // with Kate Farrell
23 October 2023 TLA Network Global Virtual Salon
09 September 2023 Wounds of Wisdom // with Anjana Deshpande
06 September 2023 Telling It Slant: The Art of Autofiction // with Elizabeth Chesla
06 September 2023 & They Call Us Crazy: Outsider Writing to Cross the Borders of Human Imagination // with Caits Meissner
06 September 2023 Liminal Spaces: The Poetry of Transitions and Change // with Angie Ebba
15 August 2023 TLA Network Virtual Global Salon
13 August 2023 Leading Transformative Writing Workshops // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Joy Roulier Sawyer
25 June 2023 TLA Network Virtual Salon
07 June 2023 Twelve Poets to Change Your Life // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
07 June 2023 Flash Fiction: Writing from the Subconscious // with Riham Adly
15 March 2023 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
27 January 2023 What Next? Launching Your Work in the World // with Caits Meissner
18 January 2023 This is Who I Am: Exploring Personal Identity through Poetry and Art // with Angie Ebba
18 January 2023 Flash Fiction Forms: Exploring Elements of Craft Through Archetypes & Metaphors in Dreams, Tarot, & Fairy Tales // with Riham Adly
18 January 2023 Pathways to Wholeness: Mindful Writing Toward Momentous Leaps of Meaning // with Marianela Medrano
04 December 2022 Re-Visioning TLA in the World: A Community Conversation
03 December 2022 Your Calling, Your Livelihood, Your Life: Making a Living from TLA // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Kathern Lorenzen
26 October 2022 Identity and Belonging: An Exploration through Visual Art and Creative Writing // with Renu Thomas
12 October 2022 Monologue Showcase: Voices for Healing & Transformation
15 September 2022 Flash Fiction Showcase & Open Mic with Riham Adly & Friends
14 September 2022 Beyond the Hero’s Journey: Exploring the Paths of the Heroine, Healer, and Seeker // with Kimberly Lee
07 September 2022 Your Memoir as Monologue - with Showcase: Writing Monologues for Healing and Transformation // with Kelly DuMar
15 June 2022 How Pictures Heal: Expressive Writing from Personal Photos // with Kelly DuMar
15 June 2022 Leverage Your TLA Expertise as a Social Arts Practice, for Community Engagement, & Radical Livelihood // with Yvette Hyater-Adams
18 May 2022 Flash Fiction: Writing from the Subconscious // with Riham Adly
20 April 2022 & They Call Us Crazy: Outsider Writing to Cross the Borders of Human Imagination // with Caits Meissner
09 April 2022 What Is Your Poem Begging to Look Like? Finding the Best Form Through Revision: How to Take Your Expressive Writing to the Next Level // with Fleda Brown
16 February 2022 Not Enough Spoons: Writing About Disability & Chronic Illness // with Angie Ebba
14 January 2022 The Quest of Purposeful Memoir: Exploring the Past, Creating the Future // with Jennifer Browdy, PhD
12 January 2022 Grief Pages: Moving Through Change and Loss with a Creative Notebook Practice // with Lisa Chu
17 November 2021 Pathways to Wholeness: Mindful Writing Toward Momentous Leaps of Meaning // with Marianela Medrano
10 November 2021 Kissing the Muse: A Messy, Magical, Art-Making Adventure // with Robbyn Layne McGill
28 October 2021 Monologue Showcase: Voices of Healing & Transformation
28 October 2021 2021 Power of Words Conference
15 September 2021 Your Memoir as Monologue with Showcase: Writing Monologues for Healing and Transformation // with Kelly DuMar
30 August 2021 For the Love of it: A Mindful Moment of Rejuvenation for Educators // with Joanna Tebbs Young
07 July 2021 Future Casting: Writing Towards a Just World Vision // with Caits Meissner
02 June 2021 The Art of Facilitation: Facilitating for Change & Community // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Joy Roulier Sawyer
17 May 2021 Tools for Teachers: Creating a Strong TLA Course Curriculum // with Liz Burke, EdD
26 April 2021 Tools for Teachers: Marketing Your TLA Class // with Liz Burke, EdD
18 April 2021 Monologue Showcase: Voices of Change
05 April 2021 Tools for Teachers: Creating a Strong TLA Course Proposal // with Liz Burke, EdD
24 March 2021 Tools for Teachers: Creating a Strong TLA Course Curriculum // with Liz Burke, EdD
24 February 2021 Tools for Teachers: Marketing Your TLA Class // with Liz Burke, EdD
03 February 2021 Tools for Teachers: Creating a Strong TLA Course Proposal // with Liz Burke, EdD
03 February 2021 Your Memoir as Monologue: Writing Monologues for Healing and Transformation // with Kelly DuMar
20 January 2021 Fantastic Folktales & Visionary Angles to Transform Our Stories // with Lyn Ford
06 January 2021 Kissing the Muse: (Another) Messy, Magical, Art-Making Adventure // with Robbyn Layne McGill
09 December 2020 TLA in Action: Connection, Collaboration, & Community
05 December 2020 Fireside Tales: A Virtual Camp In // with Lyn Ford
04 December 2020 A Virtual Greenhouse: Cultivating, Nurturing, and Sustaining Creative Growth through Literary Friendship
04 November 2020 Leverage Your Expertise as a Social Arts Practice, for Community Engagement, and Radical Livelihood // with Yvette Angelique Hyater-Adams
28 October 2020 The Art of Facilitation: Roots and Blossoms of Facilitation // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Joy Roulier Sawyer
18 October 2020 Writing to this Moment: Taking Uncertainty to the Page // with Joanna Tebbs Young, MA-TLA
14 October 2020 Kissing the Muse: A Messy, Magical, Art-Making Adventure // with Robbyn Layne McGill
23 September 2020 How Pictures Heal: Expressive Writing from Personal Photos // with Kelly DuMar
05 August 2020 Pathways to Wholeness: Mindful Writing Toward Momentous Leaps of Meaning // with Marianela Medrano
24 June 2020 The Art of Facilitation: Facilitating for Change & Community // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Joy Roulier Sawyer
24 June 2020 & They Call Us Crazy: Outsider Writing to Cross the Borders of Human Imagination // with Caits Meissner
25 March 2020 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Joanna Tebbs-Young
25 March 2020 The Elemental Journey of Purposeful Memoir // with Jennifer Browdy, PhD
15 January 2020 Your Memoir as Monologue: Writing Monologues for Healing and Transformation // with Kelly DuMar
15 January 2020 The Art of Facilitation: Roots and Blossoms of Facilitation // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Joy Roulier Sawyer
23 October 2019 15 Poets to Change Your Life & Spark Your Writing // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
23 October 2019 Poems As Prayers: Writing Towards a Just World // with Caits Meissner
04 September 2019 Speaking Your Truth: Creative Writing in Political Times // with Angie Ebba
26 June 2019 15 Poets to Change Your Life & Spark Your Writing // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
24 April 2019 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Joanna Tebbs-Young
06 March 2019 Fantastic Folktales & Visionary Angles to Transform Our Stories // with Lyn Ford
16 January 2019 How Pictures Heal: Honoring Memory & Loss through Expressive Writing from Personal Photos // with Kelly DuMar
24 October 2018 Coming Home to Body, Earth, and Time: Writing From Where We Live // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
24 October 2018 Leverage Your TLA Expertise for Publication, Community, Business, and Livelihood // with Yvette Hyater-Adams
05 September 2018 Cultivating Our Voices: Writing Life Stories for Change // with Dr. Liz Burke-Cravens
05 September 2018 The Five Senses and Four Elements: Connecting With the Body and Nature Through Poetry // with Angie Ebba
27 June 2018 Wound Dwelling: Writing the Survivor Body(ies) // with Jennye Patterson
27 June 2018 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Joanna Tebbs-Young
27 June 2018 & They Call Us Crazy: Outsider Writing to Cross the Borders of Human Imagination // with Caits Meissner
16 May 2018 Values of the Future Through Transformative Language Arts // with Doug Lipman
04 April 2018 Stories with Spirit: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice // with Regi Carpenter
14 March 2018 Writing for Social Change: Redream a Just World // with Anya Achtenberg
21 February 2018 Funding Transformation: Grant Writing for Storytellers, Writers, Artists, Educators, & Activists // with Diane Silver
10 January 2018 Fantastic Folktales & Visionary Angles to Transform Our Stories // with Lyn Ford
18 October 2017 Writing Our Lives: The Poetic Self & Transformation // with Dr. Liz Burke-Cravens
18 October 2017 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Joanna Tebbs-Young
06 September 2017 Your Memoir as Monologue: How to Create Dynamic Dramatic Monologues About Healing and Transformation for Performance // with Kelly DuMar
06 September 2017 Wound Dwelling: Writing the Survivor Body(ies) // with Jennifer Patterson
14 June 2017 The Five Senses and Four Elements: Connecting with the Body and Nature Through Poetry // with Angie River
14 June 2017 The Poetics of Witness: Writing Beyond the Self // with Caits Meissner
19 April 2017 Diving and Emerging: Finding Your Voice and Identity in Personal Stories // with Regi Carpenter
01 March 2017 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Joanna Tebbs-Young
01 March 2017 How Pictures Heal: Honoring Memory & Loss through Expressive Writing from Personal Photos // with Kelly DuMar
11 January 2017 Values of the Future Through Transformative Language Arts // with Doug Lipman
11 January 2017 Writing from the Root & Through the Body // with Marianela Medrano
11 January 2017 Your Callings, Your Livelihood, Your Life // With Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
26 October 2016 Leverage Your TLA Expertise for Publication, Community, Business, and Livelihood // with Yvette Angelique Hyater-Adams
26 October 2016 Not Enough Spoons: Writing About Disability & Chronic Illness // with Angie River
14 September 2016 Wound Dwelling: Writing the Survivor Body(ies) // with Jennifer Patterson
14 September 2016 Creating a Sustainable Story: Self-Care, Meaningful Work, and the Business of Creativity // with Laura Packer
29 June 2016 Coming Home to Body, Earth, and Time: Writing From Where We Live // with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
29 June 2016 Making the Leap into Work You Love // with Scott Youmans
18 May 2016 Saturated Selfies: Intentional and Intense Photography and Writing
18 May 2016 Changing the World with Words: TLA Foundations // with Joanna Tebbs Young
28 March 2016 Gathering Courage: Still-Doing, Big Journaling, and Other (Not So Scary) Ways to Begin Accommodating the Soul
15 February 2016 Living Out Loud: Healing Through Storytelling and Writing
15 February 2016 Soulful Songwriting: How To Begin, Collaborate, And Finish Your Song
04 January 2016 The Five Senses and the Four Elements: Connecting with the Body and Nature Through Poetry
04 January 2016 Your Memoir as Monologue: How to Create Dynamic Dramatic Monologues About Healing and Transformation for Performance

The TLA Network exists to support and promote individuals and organizations that use the spoken, written, or sung word as a tool for personal and community transformation.

The Transformative Language Arts Network (TLAN) is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in our offerings, organization, and aspirations. Words have the power to question, subvert, and transform limiting cultural narratives as well as reinforce entrenched stories and stereotypes. The TLA Network wants to make clear that we celebrate and uplift conversations across identity and difference, whether rooted in race, religion, social class, ethnicity, disability, health, gender, sexual orientation, age, military service, and other identities. In the past we have responded to a lack of diversity by actively recruiting underrepresented groups to: present and keynote at the Power of Words conference; serve on the TLAN board; teach classes; and contribute to our publications. We will continue to look at ways to incorporate greater access and representation in all of our projects, not just through the power of words but through the specifics of our practices.

Access our policies: Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use

The Transformative Language Arts Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

1741 Valley Forge Road, #175, Worcester, PA 19490 |

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