Making the Leap into Work You Love is an online course designed to help cultivate a heart-centered vision for the work you love.
Does your new year’s resolution call for initiating a new career? Are you wondering how you might bring your gifts to the world in new and powerful ways? Has your current job been giving you a stomachache, but you’re not quite sure what to do instead? Are you curious about how to breathe new life into a job that has grown stale?
Whether you are ready to leap across the chasm tomorrow or have only just begun to consider the gap between the work you have and the work you desire, Making the Leap into Work You Love can offer you the time, structure, and community to help you clarify and amplify the gifts you are longing to share with the world.
Each week the course will make a new module available for your enjoyment. Each module will offer opportunities for enrichment and discovery through articles, videos, and exercises designed to help you discern your path in community. You’ll be invited to share your work in the course to receive support and feedback, while also reading and responding to the work of the other participants. We’ll also have two 40 min calls, near the beginning and end of our time together, to share more of who we are in those moments. While the course is six weeks in length, the course as a whole will remain open for you to finish at your own pace for several months.
Read an interview with Scott here.
Week One: Now
We begin right where we are, in this very moment. We will reflect on where we’ve been and on who we have become, as well as creating an understanding of right livelihood.
Week Two: Clearing
We seek clarity about where we are leaping to, and why we want to leap there. We’ll clear away limiting beliefs and ideas that may prevent us from sharing our gifts in a healthy way. We’ll also have our first conference call.
Week Three: Visioning
We craft a heart-centered vision of where we want to go. We’ll offer exercises that guide you in crafting a vision of he gifts you have to share and how you will share them while being mindful of what we’ve cleared away.
Week Four: Reflecting
We reflect on our vision through a lens of right-livelihood. We’ll offer exercises to help you refine your vision and create inspirational artifacts to help you through the journey ahead.
Week Five: Planning
We apply our vision over time, because we cannot do it all at once. We’ll offer tools to help you define goals to accomplish your vision, including a look at the financial aspects of making your leap.
Week Six: Supporting
We seek support along the journey, because we recognize that we cannot do everything alone. We’ll look at ways to find and build a community of support and practice. We’ll also have our second conference call.
Those looking to bring their gifts into the world in a new way, including those seeing to start their own businesses, find new jobs, or bring new energy to an existing job. This course is specifically suited to those who have a love for the arts and the written word.
This is an online class. Each week, a new section of the course will open full of resources, reflections, exercises, discussion questions, and writing prompts. Students should expect to spend 2-3 hours per week perusing resources and readings, answering a discussion question, engaging in exercises, and responding to peers’ work. From our interactions, we sustain a welcoming and inspiring community together.
Scott Youmans has facilitated versions of this class for over a decade and has leaped many times himself, from start-up company to self employed entrepreneur, to an established company with heart-centered ethics. He holds a Masters degree in Transformative Language Arts from Goddard College and has completed one year of a Master of Divinity degree at the multi-religious Starr King School for the Ministry. Scott is known for his skillful facilitation techniques and integration of poetry and spirituality into his classes. He currently offers his gifts to many communities, including as manager at Sounds True, a publishing company that inspires, supports, and serves personal transformation and spiritual awakening.
"Scott is the calm, precise tour guide you need to get you safely around the reefs and through the forests that lead to clear thought about your writing and your writing career."
S. Pearl Sharp, Author, Filmmaker
"Through warmth and compassion, Scott led me on a journey using writing to discover what lay inside myself, what passions of mine spoke to me, and coaxed those ideas into becoming a platform from which I could take a leap to the work I was meant to do in this world. As a facilitator of the online class, “Making the Leap to the Work You Love”, Scott built trust amongst the members of the group, allowing for us to become a supportive and caring community from which we could all benefit and grow."
D. Costello, Making the Leap to the Work You Love participant, Spring 2011
The TLA Network exists to support and promote individuals and organizations that use the spoken, written, or sung word as a tool for personal and community transformation.
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1741 Valley Forge Road, #175, Worcester, PA 19490 |