The window to propose a workshop for the 2025 Power of Words Conference is open from February 1 until April 1, 2025!
The 2025 Power of Words conference happens October 3-5 at Unity Village in the Kansas City, Missouri metro area (about 35 miles from Kansas City International Airport).
The pre-conference featuring two sessions of our keynoters presenting workshops and performances begins Friday, October 3 at 1:00 PM CT and ends at 5:30 PM. The main conference begins with dinner, Fri., Oct. 3 and ends mid-afternoon on Sun., Oct. 5.
This powerful conference brings together writers, storytellers, performers, musicians, educators, activists, healers, health professionals, community leaders, and more! Together we explore how the written, spoken and sung word can foster liberation, celebration, and transformation for individuals and communities.
From now until April 1st, we invite you to submit a proposal (use the form below or click the blue button).
Propose a workshop and/or a small performance that focuses on writing, storytelling, spoken word, theater, songwriting and composing as well as bringing in other arts such as visual arts, music, dance and movement. (You will be notified if your workshop is accepted by April 30, 2025.)
We have 20 slots open for 75-minute workshops, which may be:
We also have seven 15-minute performance slots, called “minis,” which may be:
We invite your proposals that speak to one or more of these five tracks:
We are strongly committed to including individuals from all backgrounds, including from people of color, people living with illness or disability, adults of all ages, LGTBQIA+.
You will be notified if your workshop is accepted by April 30, 2025.
All presenters, including ones presenting or performing minis, are eligible for a $100 reduction in the conference fee.
All presenters are required to register and pay for as well as attend the whole conference and cover their lodging, meals, and travel. TLAN offers partial scholarships and work-study opportunities if cost is a barrier.(Remember—Proposals are due by April 1, 2025 and we will send acceptance notifications by April 30, 2025.)
1. You're a writer, storyteller, musician, performer, educator, leader, or healer who knows firsthand how words save and change lives.
2. You have (or are ready to develop) a joyful, meaningful, life-enhancing workshop or performance you're ready to share with a deeply appreciative group of humans.
3. Presenting is a great way to build the kind of meaningful relationships that grow your reach.
4. You love witnessing others finding and sharing their truest words in writing or out loud.
6. Your work resonates with our conference tracks: Narrative Medicine/ Healing Stories, Social Transformation, Engaged Spirituality, Eco-TLA, and/or Right Livelihood.
7. There's no other conference quite like the Power of Words, and you want to be part of building and sustaining the community of transformative language artists.
8. You're ready to be part of a vibrant group of presenters, including writers, storytellers, performers, musicians, educators, activists, healers, health professionals, community leaders, and more from throughout (and perhaps beyond) the U.S.
8. You've been presenting workshops or performances for a while and you're ready to bring one to the Power of Words.
9. Your body and soul tell you this is the time.
10. We are your people, and you are ours.