About the Class
This class focuses on using therapeutic writing techniques to assist participants in moving towards post traumatic growth. The class will be in a 5-hour synchronous online workshop format and will use writing exercises to understand how to be self-compassionate in the aftermath of painful events, how to create a coherent narrative of the events and then transform this narrative into a fictional account. The participants will learn about Post Traumatic Growth and the difference between self-compassion, pity, empathy and sympathy. They will learn how to harness the power of compassion to move into growth. Participants will try out at least four therapeutic writing exercises and will receive resources to pursue this further if they wish.
Workshop Schedule
The lesson plan is for 5 hours with a 30-minute lunch break, and two 10 minutes breaks to be used as needed. It will be divided into 5 sections.
The class runs from 11 AM – 4 PM Eastern
(10 AM – 3 PM Central, 9 AM – 2 PM Mountain, 8 AM – 1 PM Pacific)
The 30-minute lunch break is scheduled for 1:30 PM Eastern
(12:30 PM Central, 11:30 AM Mountain, 10:30 AM Pacific)
Section 1:
Introduction to therapeutic writing by doing experiential exercises that are a part of the "Journal Ladder" created by Kay Adams. These exercises will also serve as introductions.
Section 2:
We will focus on compassion, where it lives in the brain and how to distinguish between self-compassion, pity, sympathy and empathy. This section will contain two writing exercises that focus on compassion.
Section 3:
This section will focus on life events and will have two exercises that assist the participants in identifying major life events and creating a coherent narrative. Participants will identify the domain of Post Traumatic Growth that they have experienced.
Section 4:
We will focus on taking the elements that have been visited so far and crafting a new story. This exercise is based on the "Fictitious Trauma" exercise mentioned by James Pennebaker and Kay Adams.
Section 5:
This hour will be for processing and closing.
Who Should Take This Class
This class will benefit all those who are curious to gain an understanding of how to come out "on the other side" of difficult events. It is not a good fit for those who have experienced trauma recently, or still have extremely strong reactions to their traumatic event.
A few days before class begins, you will receive the class Zoom link to log into the class. There are no browser requirements, and Zoom is mobile-friendly. Please make sure you have the latest version of Zoom, which you can download here. If you have any questions about the technical requirements, please email tlan.coordinator@gmail.com.
About the Teacher
Anjana Deshpande is a Readjustment Counselor in the Department of Veterans Affairs and uses therapeutic writing among other modalities to assist veterans manage trauma. She has taught Therapeutic Writing at Drexel University, and through the Therapeutic Writing Institute. She is the past Vice-President of the International Federation of Biblio/Poetry Therapy and is a Certified Mentor for Poetry Therapy Training.
The TLA Network exists to support and promote individuals and organizations that use the spoken, written, or sung word as a tool for personal and community transformation.
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The Transformative Language Arts Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
1741 Valley Forge Road, #175, Worcester, PA 19490 | tlan.coordinator@gmail.com